A Part of My Life ~

"Nothing is impossible, that's depends how to solve it " Just be yourself, don get influenced by others easily



last sunday, my form6 and i joined a charity run; journey of life 2009 charity run at taman klang jaya, 7.00am... 5.00am hav to wake up, fetch my fren, around 6.00am reach there, erm... the ppl not that so much... aiya.. no choice... around 500ppl oly... around 7.00am start run, always is ladies 1st, mans 2nd, but mans have to run 7km, ladies can choose 5km or 7km...
run run run... oh no, raining... half way have to continue, raining keeping "big"...finally run back to end point... apa pun tak ada... but really is meaningful to do, to run....


988 radio station also came there

night a small gather , cool birthday... yang say 1st time see ppl at da pai dang celebrate birthday.. haha.. quiet fun, happy... hehe... keep chatting this la, that la, we are who??? we all to sam pat alr... a story, a topic can say until "wu T wu Du..." haha.. laugh and laugh.... after that wanna see movie, but the time not suitable for us, we change to mamak tea... aiyo, raining more liao, around mamak there(parking sides) a little "banjir" aiyo... chat more lor... cant finish de our topic... that's why mamak worker so like we go, between we and them like a friends, we all also like to go there, they also like we go... haha...happy birthday ^^

raining day, no business

banjir lor^^ see the chair

whole totally damn tired... run morning, night go out, but really fun and enjoy.... ^^

finally , mama back home from thailand, yeah!!! hehe....

That's me ~

My photo
Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
A meaningful life I have today , I love my life although something that I wish to have but I did not get it, that's easy because nothing is perfect, it's just a different view from each other , learn to accept, learning is one part of my life, sharing which is what you exchange your knowledge to each other, caring will be getting a better day , loving with who you feel worth to do that ~ Because learning is sharing, sharing is caring, caring is loving !
