A Part of My Life ~

"Nothing is impossible, that's depends how to solve it " Just be yourself, don get influenced by others easily



1 week CNY holiday so fast, today is last day for CNY holiday, chu 8
tonight(chu9,12am) mostly everyone preparing for pray to "tian gong"(bai T gong) , is a traditional pray for last time until today.... and for students preparing their mood back to skul, for worker preparing their mood back to working place, BCOZ tomorrow back to normal life....

day 1
visiting relative hse, 1st year night time visiting fren hse....
day 2
dad and mum went to thailand trip, also night time visiting fren hse and saw a movie, 72家租客, overall with this movie just normal but quiet laughing when saw it...
day 3
form 5's fren hse visiting...this day damn a bit BS in 1st... but finally u nth i nth la...haha... enjoy it with this day also... that all things i scare din happened also... hehe (hope won see it more)
day 4
at home... no place to go... but my fren called me go out visiting fren hse o~~!! finally kena BA ZHU KA(BOOM), just diam diam la... happy chinese new year ma....
go hong jey hse dinner, 1st time go his hse and dinner there, thanks hong jey....
day 5
some of my fren no place to go, come my hse, night dinner together and visiting maggie's hse too..
day 6
form 6's fren... wah, ming wei hse damn big and nice... not bad ... hehe...
and visiting other fren, night din follow them, dinner with family and brother in-law family
my fren say wan go 天后宫but don know how to go, in the end cancel...
day 7
visiting pn NG YG hse... my form5 teacher... chit-chat our situation and her skul life things... just a sad is not everyone can attend bcoz some started work alr...
night went to hwan'sis birthday party... hehe
day 8
at home rush my BM homework....

last day oly do my h/w haha... finally done it.. but din do revision...
in this CNY, i hav try to hear your advice , finally din "go in deeply" , control myself...
wor~~!! left 15 min more everyone will pray alr... now can hear many pip-pop,pip-pop sound alr.. hehe... BACK TO SKUL LOR~~!!!

That's me ~

My photo
Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
A meaningful life I have today , I love my life although something that I wish to have but I did not get it, that's easy because nothing is perfect, it's just a different view from each other , learn to accept, learning is one part of my life, sharing which is what you exchange your knowledge to each other, caring will be getting a better day , loving with who you feel worth to do that ~ Because learning is sharing, sharing is caring, caring is loving !
