A Part of My Life ~

"Nothing is impossible, that's depends how to solve it " Just be yourself, don get influenced by others easily



"oh, oh Balik kampung balik kampung..."
ehhhh, stopppp, kampung sini la, mana kampung mau balik......
last week, friday and saturday is raya, this year raya on school holiday , so every muslim students can ' balik kampung' more earlier le... for non-muslim students, holiday 999, cause is 2 weeks holiday(include this week)
last week, my parents have a trip to Pulau Langkawi with my aunt also... everything we(siblings) need to settle ourselves.. hmmmm....
no kampung to balik, so i followed my fren went to Port Disckson for FUNNNNN....
actually we planned to meet our form5 teacher, but she cant( because family day), no choice , no place to go, so decide to go PD in short few min...
on the road i damn ki siao alr, every each car pass through our car i will say" Selamat Hari Raya" sudah gila... damn crazy, but feel like fun... haha... some more i wrote " selamat hari raya" on the paper to show when the car pass through... haha.. until there, just walked at the beach 2hours only, we need to go bak to klang cause its too late( cause use too much time to found PD) hav a dinner at PD also, but wat we eat there klang also can found it... is Laksaaa, kuew toew,....(my fren alr hungry no choice lo, need hav dinner there b4 go bak)
Just go there without any reason lo, thats my "raya" 1st day..
2nd day raya, no place to go just stay a home whole day... lucky the mushroom not yet grown up.. haha...
3rd day raya sunday, we went to morib again.... for played kite( i still sms told my fren play knife, alamak is KITE)
is true we really go played kite at there, but is under the sun, damm hot but is fun and enjoy...
4th day raya??
sudah kena balik kerja, tapi sekolah masih cuti, saya pun cuti tak ada baca buku... alamak.... ~~
left 4days skul re-open, 1 more weeks trial is around , 69days STPM coming.... mati liao...

That's me ~

My photo
Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
A meaningful life I have today , I love my life although something that I wish to have but I did not get it, that's easy because nothing is perfect, it's just a different view from each other , learn to accept, learning is one part of my life, sharing which is what you exchange your knowledge to each other, caring will be getting a better day , loving with who you feel worth to do that ~ Because learning is sharing, sharing is caring, caring is loving !
