last week just be a cleaner at hse, but today some more have to back to skul GOTONG-ROYONG^^hehe, 4 more days to go, skul will re-open, skul life back, so that we have back to skul clean our classroom... hehe, as usual it is quiet fun also... haha... nice !!!!
today every teacher/staff also have a meeting, so that we get our latest new time table for next year... wor~~~ is really study until 3pm , not everyday oly monday, wednesday, thursday oly..., each subject add 1 more period except MUET, teacher mostly is the same just economy teacher change oly, BM both paper also same teacher... hehe... also better... not bad... hehe... dislike hav to study UNTIL 3PM !!!!! yer!!!!
our style some more still happening, decide something with so suddenly...
ytd night we planning so to see movie oly, haixx... cinema is totally FULLL.... no choice nothing to do... so decide go to pyramid... hehe go there just seeing people celebrate, we just stand a site saw it, how's everyone celebrate christmas... play snow la... hehe, everyone so enjoy with christmas !!
no place to go, but my house 大扫除!!!~~ cool, my christmas is be a cleaner... hehe ^^
whole cleaning until 230pm.. wah ~~!! half day gone alr... ^^...
night dinner with my family,
and go yam cha...only we 3 peoples ^^ chit-chat la.. it is also fun.. whatever is a smaller gang...
hehe my christmas for this year!! HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
waiting NEW YEAR 2010....
haha, sometimes you must look back what you have done before....!! if not... you will keeping say the ppl, actually everything u saying is also you done it before de... if you memories you still you laugh it and won angry it... laugh is because see how cute you are? , see how gong you are?, see how u angry ? haha... actually everyone have to the step to , from child to adult, in your life, you may feel so many funny de, when you teenagers, but sometimes and someone you hav feel you are adult already? so that u can scold them? actually wat you scold you got done it b4 ma? haha... speechless.... haixx...
don say you hav done it b4 or notm think , they are teenagers, they attitude will more a bit child oly...haha... speechless....
finally i have feel that what my fren say b4 !!!
Credit Card
expect feeling, it is so important for you? or 有情喝水饱?haha depends on wat you think of it....
还记得新年的时候,大家是过个开心又高兴的新年,我们是带着高兴加愤怒。。。但是到了最后大家没再提起,就让去吧!! 只是有愤怒的心情。。。所以有些就不要叫出来。。;
读书的读书,工作的工作,喝茶的机会也少了,(还记得每个星期五我都sms问你们,got back klg?);
我们还是一样时常一起去吃,KTV, 看戏...;
to be continue ,(友'2009)
还记得大家出来的开心过的日子?,我们一起在学校的日子?(special for someone)
mayb some story i forgot to record it... hehe, so that i forgot to write at here... overall la.. each problem happened in the end we also forget it and won keep in heart... only something,someone, somewhere, sometimes... i don know, why we can u cant? that's u la... ppl giv a chance u langsung don care... izzit u are person , ur fren no?
mayb in this all thing i hav a wrong way, does not mean all im correct... whatever say a sorry to you all... paiseh^^
all is PAst Tense... let it go... hav a nice day...
GOOD LUCK all my fren.....
if any unhappy, hope won keep as heart ^^
the all situation got consider someone and a story, see whether u can guess it or not..
ytd Mp for MTE, hehe, feel so sorry to all senior committee bcoz planing this MP is too late... finally do it in ytd night... at windmill,BBK... overall is Ok, nth special thing happened, just a nice is senior hav a performance in the MP, hehe, sing, play guitar, keyboard piano...and pang yang, kian wei, jushean, performance a bit(sing, keyboard piano), celebrate jocelyn's birthday,solve a puzzle with pic of senior.....after that, still go mamak sit a while den back home ^^ senior always asking us have to study well in STPM.... IS MUST STUDY !!!!
a young boy/girl who is not yet an adult
a person aged between 13 and 19 years old....
a person that is FULLY GROWN...
my group still in teenager, hav 1 more year to go... after a year, no more teenager... be a adult, something sure will be different, changing mine attitude/personality from bad to more better, life not that can play play everyday, thinking also will follow age changing(think more deeply), new friends, and others....
a thing i wan touch at here is friends...
as my friends said, between of us, who still can keep in touch, still can go out always, can chit-chat anyway, anything is less and less... some study, some work... haix.. a day go out can meaningful, mayb some problem , make it to useless to come out... don comment? mayb it can help me, don wan choose go in to the circle... (so sorry to say that, last time already prove it everything) i have to more clever.... (teaching by my fren)... anyway GOOD LUCK for u...
= childish?
haha, share a joke
since you born you have to use money until you die...
if you no money , you cant die also...
everything is saying MONEY MONEY...
last sunday, my form6 and i joined a charity run; journey of life 2009 charity run at taman klang jaya, 7.00am... 5.00am hav to wake up, fetch my fren, around 6.00am reach there, erm... the ppl not that so much... aiya.. no choice... around 500ppl oly... around 7.00am start run, always is ladies 1st, mans 2nd, but mans have to run 7km, ladies can choose 5km or 7km...
run run run... oh no, raining... half way have to continue, raining keeping "big"...finally run back to end point... apa pun tak ada... but really is meaningful to do, to run....
raining day, no business
whole totally damn tired... run morning, night go out, but really fun and enjoy.... ^^
finally , mama back home from thailand, yeah!!! hehe....
why?? for what reason; used for giving or talking about a reason...
a story wan to know, people will try to say.. b4 say hav promise , let it go... just this promise... but cant do it well also....
as people say... 一笑泯恩仇。。。 but u cant do it, its not a easy way to do... totally disappointed... that's you la... in a day come, u will realize what u do now...
izzit im do wrong?
feel tat like not good.. how to describe my feeling..?? whatever u choose to do that, u hav responsible to the ending u get later...Good Luck...
everything u won wrong?
people give a advice , comment, idea to us, because he/she feeling that wat we do are wrong, as a friends/family, he/she will giving his/her opinion, in the end, some won realize, keeping say other effect, reason, people do wrong....
hav own opinion, idea is a good news, good thing to share.. in case la, everyone will do wrong , include me also, try to 学会聆听别人说话;先学会“听”,不要急着“说”,这也是说话和沟通的第一。
sometimes try to see what's wrong, you will more improve in your life, we are improving everyday... Good Luck..
what is mask? ANS : something that you wear that covers your face or part of your face. People wear masks in order to hide or protect their faces or to make themselves look different.
masks so important to wear?? haha its not a main point...
hor??? izzit will "look different"???
some people so care with their face.... NO.1 oly a place, can oly 1 person to get it, if everyone wan it how? but we must hardworking to get NO1 la.. hehe...
everything can share, u don know, i teach, i don know u teach...
not even 1 people can do everything, know everything in the world ,expect GOD...
sometimes try to ask ppl....远离知识,走向无知,承认自己无知则是求职的第一步
impossible to do?? so difficult?
A : hello, how are you?
B : fine, why u call me?
A : erh, i wan you help me something..
haha, 1st feel so happy , friend still remember us, in the end is asked u help him/her...
ok la... control with this topic... in some case, as a friend , what can we help, we try to help ppl..(助人为快乐之本)calculation for mathematics is important, but in some case, try to keep back calculate... BUT
from onefm radio station, in some case hav to control with your helping...
something can do ourselves , try to solve 1st, if really cant, that time oly call people... solve with ppl... 人就是每天提醒自己,我一定行!
aiya... i also don know why la... haha
hav so many WHY WHY WHY.... apa pun WHY... haha... actually can so easily, depends on how we do oly....... ALL THE BEST....
this few day, mum go trip to thailand.. mum not at home, eat also hav to buy, shirt have to wash, boil water, and many many thing more... mum, i love you..
finally go in to 2009 end year holiday^^ haha, so so lazy to update and nth to share with ur all....
simply and fast to post ba....
holiday start, my tuition class also start, last time few subject did not tuition, but a bad result for final exam, no tuition no choice...
for now/finally/ in the end, i found that tuition can help me to do revision in holiday, if not tuition, i feel that i sure din touch my book, sure watching drama, play Fb, makan, tidur , this all i sangat pandai... haha...
by luck la, my mum support me money to let me go to tuition... thanks mum^^
tuition can do revision, teacher always give homework.... got tuition, holiday won like no meaning...
so monday to sunday, tuition tuition and tuition... it is also can so FUN !!!
hehe, enjoying with holiday...when holiday, u feel like wan back to school study,when school u feel like wan holiday???haha.... don know??
but no school now... hav some "different" choice, sms, internet oly...
and this few week, i found that so many like to make 2 language or saying malay... FB la... haha
sudah jadi rojak ke? haha.. sometime, so language translate to malay, will be more laugh.. haha.. me also the 1 always do tat^^
so fast to go, half year lower 6 like tat end up alr.... today is last day for my lower 6 school day....still remember last year, preparing how to sign in form6.. go PPD klg, back to skul, go there go here, in the end go to form 6 and today my lower 6 is alr end, bye bye lower6....
in this half year, i hav know so many fren , from kwang hua, sri muda, KU, BK, and many many more.... and i won forgot is all my classmates, so happy to meet you all, study at the class, mostly everyday you can smile and smile, so funny and happy,did not regret to know who are u all....
some memory from senior la, teaching me how to "stay"/"live" in STK la... hehe ^^ lower ^?? cant say is a honey moon, totally is wrong, STPM hav to prepare start from lower 6.... but i did not so well also, get a bad result for my final exam.... holiday not more trip to go more.... study back ba!!!!!
next year, new system more, our school time until 3.30pm , monday to thursday.....
new teacher more,
my BM class will combine with 6B9(6A9'2010)which is EN Yusri and PN Zaiton
economic change teacher (forgot wat name)
perakaunan change some more, our teacher wan balik kampung, until today still not yet confirm who teaching us...
only PA and MUET din change teacher....
so weak for my final exam, tomorrow is report card day, haixx... malu betul!!! don know how to say with my result....
im alr late for tuition each subject... everyday still play and play, din take it serious also... by luck la, i go tuition, if not i sure cant study by self... so many ppl asking me why saturday, end of year still go to, bcoz i go skul i can study a bit or do some homework, if i at home, sure SURE i cant concentrate with my study... see movie la, sleep la, eat la, yam cha la, go out la, i sure NO 1... haixx...
from now, tuition tuition.....
monday : extra class for account subject
wednesday : B.Melayu
thursday : costing paper 2
friday : economic
saturday : perakaunan (paper 1)
left tuesday and sunday... for PA and MUET... (study by self)
if not my holiday sure cant concentrate with study, so many trip also din go, oly some activity i join oly...
i cant miss 1 more time, i alr waste 1 year, so i hav study hard.... i hav prove it.... must clever to using my holiday time.... hmmm GO GO GO!!!!
share a story to you all and for my opening this post... article from newspaper (星洲日报,星期日,2009年11月09日,副刊,星云)
mayb u will feel that sometimes im also will do a mistake like the article, but anyway we learn from mistake, step by step ba... bcoz everyday we are learning it in every mistake... (below got some sentences are so meaningful)
p/s:any comment let me know, we can discuss it ^^
this year MPM change a new way, form 6 also hav to do assignment(research)....
same like form1 -form5 we do folio on school, but we are Pra-university so the name also hav more standard is called RESEARCH... haha.. said by our teacher giving a speech on today.... this research is each subject in 1 group, every form 6 students hav to do, see whether u in-charge which subject in our own class, 1 class hav to do 5-6subject , follow with which subject u hav study in class.... new system, new life, next year form 6 also hav to study until 3-4pm else 3days per week,haix... no choice hav to follow....this research also is a new thing for form6 students... every form 6 students include teacher also hav to do, teacher hav their own topic, we hav to do depends wat subject and wat topic... after complete with this research hav to present in all students and teachers, some more like a assignment for us..
form6? look like cant holiday in this 1 and half months, hav to do many homework, teacher giving to us, and some more hav to study and preparing for STPM.. wor~~!!! other than that, hav to prepare for activity la, this la, wah~~!!! hear of so many say wanna going to work, i feel that so many "job" alr waiting for us... yer~~!!!
go go go, GOOD LUCK everyone!!!
today our school hav to replace back the holiday (cuti peristiwa) for deepavali..... same as usual go to skul liao weekdays, today morning is a raining day, is a fresh day..... mayb raining from ytd night until today morning, so many of my classmates din come to skul.. lolxx... oly 9ppls attend... so kan jiong... every teacher also din teacher bcoz so little students at class.... reset time go to eat chicken rice... haha... that can say is ponteng liao haha... whatever still safety going back to skul... haha... kan jion... ^^!!! hehe cant everyday go also.. later kena "toto" after that back to skul , also nth to do also... my fren all palying handphone at class...12.30pm back home...
haha, is a funny word for us(class 6B8 classmates) and our form teacher(PN Rohana).....
hear from my fren say, that day when they all going back to class, in the group, someone is saying walao eh, walao eh so many times, and that time PN Rohana is behind they all, so when on the way, PN rohona says back: walao eh, walao eh, walao eh, apa itu walao eh!!!!
today teacher asked us, apa tu walao eh!!! haha... at that situation is so funny la... don know how to describe it... hehe... anyway teacher also laughing with this words, WALAO eh...haha
now really is walao eh ~!!!! i also don know how to say it liao.... why always do like that ???? mayb in sometime u really hav to use and u din bring so many so borrow from me , nvm, as a fren i won care so much.. in the end u cheat me leh.... i also don know how to ask back from u....WAlaO eh~~!!! got 1st time sure got 2nd times... aiya... izzit that is your attitude from child until today? it is really a not good attitude for each person... in another way, u really is a fren to made, but with this attitude someone will scare for u alr... that's mine thing , i hav chance to do wat , that's my problem, my business.... u know today will using why still din bring? forgot? emergency? mayb u hav to do on today, so i help u.... but HELP ME TO HELP YOURSELF... haix , now is a small case, if keeping with it, it will be big need to do wat thing for me, u threat me as your fren, don cheat, don cucuk belakang, is ok alr....Walao eh, someone has try to saying with you, but that ppl saying to u , getting a boom back... walao eh!!!!anyway i really hope u will change la... izzit this is last time???
paiseh... especially who ask me update here my blog de ar......
hehe, feel so sorry and paiseh~~... bcoz is a exam week in this 2 weeks...
overall still boleh... masih cukup makan....
today is last paper, perakaunan, a last paper also is a difficult paper...
today our form teacher telling with us perakaunan is a difficult , not that easy to score like form 4 and form5 paper which is SPM,mayb CPGA will go down bcoz of the perakaunan paper,mayb u get 3A 1C for perakaunan , now our classes perakaunan is a compulsory subject, which mean we hav score a good result in STPM....for other paper PA, economy,BM/SEj, mayb there are more easy to score compare with perakaunan if u study hard....
really is a difficult paper, 4 question in the paper, don hav 1 question i can do it complete.. i think i hav to do more exercise....if not , STPM sure "die without body"!!!
Study lower 6 at STK also 4months alr... pass 2 test and now is Final Exam !!!!! today Final is start until next 1st test Pengajian Am.... wah... i think my paper ki chia liao....Bahagian A ask for punca and kesan, i oly write kesan, bahagian C not enough time to do, bahagian D not confident for my graph... last part objective..... om mi tou fo... hope can pass this paper...
last time form5 , which subject got 3hours for the test, i sure got time to check my answer or gam gam hor(enough time) answer my paper, but this time PA 3hours for this paper also, in the end not enough time to finish the question...cincai tembak lor.... !!! not anyone can sleep at this paper, bcoz the time is too rush, everyone are rushing to answer the paper... some still not answer finish all the question, some answer wrong, draw wrong... so peak check o.... ki chia paper is coming on next week monday... hope enough time to answer all paper, all question....GOOD LUCK!!!
andrew write a post at his's blog...
from a text until the ending... he has write a this sentences,
and body text in your post say "mayb we may hate each other for a time"
haixx... think back wat u say.. hear u all...
mayb that time we all are so hot... so will saying some thing on the blog, where... that's wat u all say between of us hav our own reason at that time,but until today we alr try to let it go.... tired and sien...
this day my mood change a bit to happy, mayb i alr let it everything go? i din keep in heart?
YA, everything also say and write... that's oly let time to show it everything....
suh nih,hwan,eng poh, andrew,jian ren...大家都劝我让它去。。。
不止这样被牵连的mag,sze yee,soon hui大家都充满火药味。。
好了啦,mag,sze yee,师兄的华山派还要人,所以可以上山去了。。
ytd is a sunday and holiday for deepavali, my bro come back from kuatan, his's gf also come here, my 3rd sis also come back from UPM... b4 that my 1st sister and my aunt planing going to waterfall at sungai chiling.. finally we go by ytd..8.30am go out from hse and 9.40am reach there, but is bad day bcoz ytd morning (2am-4am) is raining, so the ppl not allowed us to go in, haixx... so that we change to huu yam(waterfall),play with cousin, after that lunch at around there, 3.30pm oly reach time hope can go to the sungai chiling bcoz it is really is a fun places when my 1st sister go there take a photo....
normally monday we hav tuition at eng ann, whatever is a holiday tuition also got, but the time change to afternoon 12.3opm-2.30pm..... haixx... i reach there aroung 12.25pm, so waiting for my fren coming, mana tau, after 15min , not anyone come also, i feel something wrong alr,so i sms to asking my fren got tuition or not, boom boom terus get boom, he told me teacher going to hospital so cant tuition today... so that hav to back home more, aiya alr come out at eng ann, so i walk to KP find my fren..... so long time din walk so long distance alr... hehe... but really is a hot day... aiya.. at kp see my fren and chit-chat with them and also waiting for my bro coming... peack check o..o...o...OO..Ooo
finally MPPTE activity alr work done, good job!!!! b4 activity everyone so harder to preparing everything., hope this activity can work as done as we can, finally all comments from teacher , seniors, juniors were quiet good...just some feel tat boring a bit and sien ^^ mayb !! 1st activity for seniors and also last activity for seniors, it is so kan jiong b4 the activity, but we also face it together.. hope our next activity , MP for ex-committee MTE will run as good as we can la... good luck every committee, thanks to you all....^^
一切就到此为止,希望事情就这样结束了,不要再做不必要的东西,你做初一,我做十五,你让世界太平,我也会让世界完美,你没事,我就当没一回事,真的很累了,难道你们不会累? 从以前到今天,发生了多少东西,难道每一样的事情发生你们都没有领悟到?haixx..。 大家在出来的机会还有多少次?现在出来的都没几个,有出来还是那几个,或你有你出,我有我出,好像大家都陌生了,你不累,大家都累,出来聚一聚可以很高兴的。。。就因为这样把事情给弄毁了。。。。
totally so disappointed with this case will happening... i feel the last week friday(09/102009) is a NICE ,HAPPY, WONDERFUL "tea time" haixx... totally la.. nth to say more...
don wan say also hav to say,
actually in last fri come out is because something (a show), the show is for someone won get it so hurt and will more easily to catch... but after that the main character of this show, alr told me, no need to do show anymore, b4 i call everyone yamcha, because she will telling to the someone, the main thing we wan do this show.... in the end the someone don know we wan do this show, so we feel that , the someone don know, so let it go, don wan say more...
ok lor... don know that day, i sms to everyone , everyone also can yam cha... so that time tea will so many ppl until 4 tables....
haixx.. after tea, the unhappy thing happening, approve it...
R go to tell the someone, actually we wan do show, because consider the someone and main character de thing, walao halo, im 25 born also not 25 kids, but the R is 25 kids lor... say the whole story to the someone... now more thing to say liao la... so long time not fight liao izzit????
totally nth to say.... BECAUSE OF U la...
totally feel so disappointed.... feel happy ending at the tea, mana tau something happen more... haixx..
after so long time ago, every time got tea(yam cha) also oly 1 table to 2tables... 4ppls to 8ppls oly... bcoz of something happen on us... mayb that reason , so everyone will choosing don wan come out, less come out, it oly will no need talk too much, say too much, or bcoz something angry la, bo song la...
it was a NICE, WONDERFUL, HAPPY day ^^ wor hoorrr...
from last time until ytd , really is a "successful" day for calling everyone come out yam cha...
really is a happy mood organizer(me) to call u all come out...
just a very easy SMS send to u all
"tonight tea? At 99,9pm?^^"
the msg i receive back is
kk la, ok , on la, ok :P,....
ytd around 14ppls come out, they are mag, chin yang, yee, hwan , poh, racheal, beng, haou, soon hui, mei zhen, kok sim,thian chin and chiew hui( she follow soon hui go to ING , after that she join with us also), hehe, even work 1 also join after he(kok sim) finish work, meeting(soon hui) 1 also, go eat 1st after that oly join(mag, chin yang, andrew), but andrew after that go out with maxx..., from sentosa come here(racheal), hehe ^^ , after kim suan them come here(99) also join with us....
ytd not 4ppls, is 4tables... haha... like got "director meeting" mayb at this situation, talking will difficult a bit, but it was really so fun and happy if we all can come out like that....oly chinese new year we will come out like tat, normal time less got this situation, ytd everyone also nth happen, normal mood, ^^ go back without bad mood.. just normal for everyone...
ok la... really so happy for me when i receive back all msg from u all, bcoz u all can attend it....
ALL THE BEST, work 1 must untung banyak banyak, study 1 must belajar tinggi tinggi, not work 1 must cari cepat cepat, no bf/gf 1??? erm har... this i don know la.. haha....anyway GOOD LUCK for u all, TAKE CARE, THANKS TO u all attend this tea, let it become so successful, THANK YOU ^^
after the wednesday raptai, our drama so bad, practise until 5pm, but we still came to skul on second day(8/10/2009)....bu luck morning i join with my fren group study at library.... the most peack check thing is i wear baju sukan, but the librarian not allow me go in... wat is %*^^&*^*( some more got this rule at library... ok nvm i back home change my baju sukan to school uniform... 12pm library hav to close, haixx... i study oly a little bit, i just talking with them.... aiyo.... ^^ after that i cant back still want practise the drama, stay back until 4pm....practise and practise.. damn tired... energy direct go down.....haixx...
today until my class back to skul study... 1st period and 2nd period no teacher, so we(wee shern, kha lim, Amir, and i) go to giv the invitation card to all fom6 teacher... run there , walk there... 3rd period back to class study... walao, whole day at library feel so sleeply... after skul, few of my classmates and i stay back at skul for playing badminton at dewan putera...long time din exercise, so muscle going pain now, but still ok la.... hehe ^^ is a best activity to do that, so fun and enjoyed it.... :P
holiday more... bcoz of PMR , don hav so much classes for us to study... so we all hav to "take off".. other than that, deepavali is coming on 17th october... holiday more... after deepavali, final exam is coming liao ^^ wor~~ time is run so fast... lower 6 having to finish yet... and upper 6 is coming...
study and study....
today raptai for MPPTE... overall masih boleh tahan la..tapi masih boleh bertambah baik... went to frm 8.30am to 5.00pm... morning help risalah group to cutting the paper, 12pm rapatai is started.. teacher came at 12.30pm.....rapatai end at 1.30pm... teacher said ok la... have to practise more... some performance hav to change a bit... after that we all committee got a small meeting....haix.....i only can say that all, changing is depends on u all.... don know la.. hope everyone will change la..
after lunch time, my part drama (sketch) so bad leh... we hav to stay practise and do 1 more time.. do until 5pm, with perhiasan group also... aisey.....tired...
next raptai at next tuesday... b4 MPPTE... is a last time raptai.... hav to do well.. ah boh... hehe...
congratulation to my sister and my brother in law... ^^ actually their wedding at 26 september but i lazy to update my blog... hehe.. is a happiness news for our family... aiyo... is someone lor.. don hav facebook but still wan to see the picture so i hav to upload picture at here.. that ppl is MAG!!! ok la... another way i also wan update my blog also... hehe... same as our chinese traditional....( a bit changing alr)hehe....
MAG, aku malas nak upload banyak picture la.....^^paiseh ya!! minta maaf har... hehe...
go to my facebook click and see la
this year more special a bit, i not go out on the 25th september, that day my hse got a small party for my sis's marry on second day... so my fren and i go out at 24th september...
we go out on 24th september so my fren, sze yee call this activity is a 24plan... haha, some more can plan plan... hehe...
morning we went to bukit raja saw a movie"GAmer" tak boleh pakai punya movie, don know wat is the movie say... so peak check la... hehe... after see movie, lagi peak check, we wanted going to eating lunch at "da shu xia" mau tau kereta tu tak mau pergi.... nah beh, when i wan start the car, the car totally cannot turn... try so many also cant, finally
called ppl come to do....
by luck got 2 cars, thian chin they all went to ate , we all waiting the ppl come, lolx...
wait until half an hour, finally the ppl come alr... he help to start the car but he said i hav to drive the car go to his "kilang"... aiyo... fetch sze yee, mag, andrew went to yee hse 1st, and hwan follow me go to the kilang.... hehe... don know is luck or not.. only dropped the screw....
after that, hav my lunch.. and going to fetch my brother....they all at yee's hse lor...
night time, go to neway KTV.... 1 more peak check thing la...don know how to say la... in the end is a happy ending la....
thanks to all my fren.... all the best and good luck ^^
im start feel tired at you all, all is same answer for me, i cant do anything alr... look like oly me to go it... like not ppl wan be organizer more, even 1 yam cha also wan do "movie", call ppl go out, many many thing more.... izzit everything i should stop it??? but i think i won la... i just feel tired but i will do that also, and oly disappointed for me oly...
tugusan khas??? i think not oly for club MTE... for my life also... by luck when i organizer u all still hav so opinion and idea la, is oly sometimes i really nth to say, i terus get 'boom" frm u oly this time i really disappointed oly...
wat to do?? friends??? haha... ok la... we are friends, so u or me is organizer also not important , important is when we go out with a happy mood and happy ending oly......
i cant do anything more... really is nth comment... nth to say lor.... u win lor...suan liao la....
sien liao la.....
whatever la... enjoy with the next activity coming^^
ytd night my fren and i went to b.raja saw the movie "when got ghost".. new movie the sitting for booking at internet is totally FULL.... so we have go there waiting the booking sitting release when out of time to taking ticket...walao... mana tau so many ppl also like that o..... 9.05pm time's up, so many ppl din line up just go to the counter buy the ticket.... got 2 uncles and 2 mans i think they get D in moral 0r E... we reached at TGV 845pm waiting at there... den the man still say we hav to line up la, u late come pls belakang... na beh la... siapa datang awal dulu.... beh tahan oh... finally we got buy the ticket la....aiyo, don know still wan say too much, but we din fight with them la... let them 1st... .really is geram betul... by luck the movie is a funny movie la....scare until u laugh... haha....
ytd night, mag grandma pass away, but i cant attend to her hse, bcoz my sis marry at this week, so paiseh leh, anyway take care yourself......
oh oh balik kampong, balik kampong.... haha not kampong i can back and im not malay guys.... holiday for hari raya start from tomorrow 18/09/2009 -27/09/2009.. more than 10days.... hmmm... my holiday planing?
this saturday(19/09/2009) going to work(part time)
22/09/2009~ tuition
24/09/2009~ go out with my fren
25/09/2009~ happiness news for my family... my hse hav a small party bcoz my sis marry on second day(26/09/2009), hav to help my mum to prepare... busy day...
26/09/2009~ my sister wedding....
27-09/2009~ preparing my mood going back to skul....
almost like tat lor, not trip with my fren or family also... raya at hse... hehe... ^^
happy holiday and enjoy with your holiday....^^ all the best and good luck....
don wan chap with the lebih punya org more... can say also tired with them....
izzit im do anything wrong frm beginning ? suddenly like tat i also don know wat happen, "die without body", haha... ok la... i also cant do anything, depends on u ba, oly you know wat's was always... it will i can do... whatever lor....
hari raya holiday start from this fri until 27th september 2009, around 10days... rest kao kao lor... hehe...
i nth to update liao, wait my holiday coming ba... i think this time holiday will more happy, hehe...
mag, im not malas is nth to update la..haha.....
happy holiday and all the best and good luck^^take care too:P
Aku da perasan aku adalah lebih punya org, tapi ada org lagi lebih dan tak tau LEBIH macam mana tulis...
walao... i also don know how to say and comment it and don wan say more alr...
tapi u semua org buat aku mau cakap punya... tapi u jangan cakap lagi....
beh tahan...hami lang lai a... ar ni kuan pu a sai ar....(hokkien)
i agree im lebih punya org is bcoz sometimes i like say, talking, do lebih punya barang...
but the lebih punya org punya lebih different with me.... walao... how many years fren alr???
a sentences like tat u also dare to say... i think u all so funny lor...
whatever go where u also can be "organizer"..... u hav freedom i hav freedom, u can choose wan go out or not, and sometimes is busy so cant go out... still wan say many many la... macam ni lor... lagi LEBIH PUNYA ORG
some more like tat,
u got go, so i go... u not go so i not go...walao... copy cat ar.... 18 or 19years old liao ar... wan go out also wan follow ppl???.... ppl not go out with them, the "lebih punya org" sure will say that : someone follow someone..other i don know la... if i free i sure can go out with u all... but sometime really cant bcoz busy ma.....tak tau cakap o, LEBIH PUNYA ORG
another is...
halo, my mum also won ask me fren with who... u just my fren ar... i fren with my form6 fren also cant?? ah bo u wan me everyday gong gong go skul ar...??? im happy bcoz something and someone la... still say i got fren(chaP) with my old fren or not... sure got la... old fren , new fren also is my fren...say got u also say many la... apa la... wan go out with u all also say many many.. lagi LEBIH PUNYA ORG....
someone say cant join wat la.. ni la.. itu la, sini la, sana la,apa la,... many la la la... go eat lala(啦啦)more better la...u choose go all with us, u hav to know we are so sam pat 1...boom without body.. ini saya buat tak tau la... LEBIH PUNYA ORG..
NOt fun to say about LEbih Punya org...anyway la.. say the true u can be organizer wat... u got freedom to go or not, u choose come out with us so u hav join with us u will more happy, or long time we din come out, u can call us de, no need to wait us to call, we got a small gathering is bcoz sometimes feel little ppl more thing can chat or the car only gam gam hor can sit..if u hav something to say or anything happen u still can call us de ma... i also don know la...
mayb u hav ur own reason,own opinion lor....i also cant say many...
everything i say at here bcoz i wan to write out wat im thinking lor.... everything at here just my FEELING AND here i don hav say who and who "bad word"
u wan me go out with u all i will go out if i free...everything at here, i say here and won keep it... don worry.. we still can happy going out... hehe...
(u all lucky la... today my mood dam good, if last time is scolding directly at here..)
don know why, today is a happy mood for me... the ending here is happy for me la, bcoz when i write my thinking and feeling is happy and great.... i happy not boc z i like this lebih punya org "approve" la... i also hope u all also happy after seeing my LEBIH PUNYA ORG story... don keep it la.. anything call me ,sms me say la if u din like....
happy, good luck and all the best la...^^
haha... finally today last test is over.. but test over final exam coming on october... aiya... also hav to study ,revision... exam....~~!!!
hmm... today can be a happy bcoz not more test on this few days... but when i taking BM test the happy mood din appears... by luck la, i still got answer all the question... masih boleh "tahan" lagi la...hope can get higher marks...
bad mood??? don know... bcoz hear something i should not to know.. or i hav to change my mind to look this after i hear la... or i think too much???everything i hear just between someone talking... mayb they all are saying another thing??? but i din ask them wat they saying... whatever la.. i din hear and ask clearly....hope everything won become wat i think it... the way best way to me, i think i hav to forget wat i hear, everything i still don know... be myself....wat can i do??? don think too much ba... mayb it will more happy when i forgot it.. let the time to prove it everything.....
today a small different is my fren and i din go out for yam cha.. hehe.. mayb other busy.. hehe..i think tomorrow will go out yam cha gua... bcoz monday din skul also.. hehe.. tomorrow only see how..
today don know how to describe my mood la.. don know why.... wan study also no mood.. next week test more leh... aiya... don know how to taking the test also... aiya.. form6 no play play but..... hehe so whole day i on9 , see movie la.. sleep la, eat la... haixx... cham liao lor..... alamak!!! sien.. study study....
wat can i do.....
ring ring~~~~ 6am..hav to wake start back to school life lor... holiday not more... prepare everything den my mum fetch me go to skul... bcoz my sis wan using car... not choice lor... hehe...
today nth special at skul... but today back to skul from holiday, our class attendance 100%.. i think is a 1st day our class attendance 100%...
today teacher P.perakaunan giving back the test paper to us... finally i get pass in 2nd test.. yeah!!!
when teacher marking "the paper problem",some of my fren calculate the DOB to know your personality and some more la... haha... i know that day i born i got many "gui ren" and hav to work harder and im personality is a responsible person... but the negative way, my fren don wan tell us.. aiya...nvm lor...
hehe....i think can believe la.. but don too much tat u dream..anyway choose a half to believe la...
a hokkien song also got teach la..."好运?坏运?总是要去做.....三分天注定,七分靠努力..." something like tat the song... haha... and 1)命,2)运,3)风水。。
after skul, stay back a while for meeting MPPTE... everyone hav to start doing their own work alr... bcoz our MPPTE at 8/10/2009.....gambateh and good luck everyone...
2pm back home lor... can rest again haha... and i hav see many of "笨蛋"shoes...(cartoon BEN 10 shoes).. not my shoes la... is the childs my mum care 1....the shoes some got light la... so yeng o...
next topic...
i cant say anything on it....i hope tat u both also can understand la...
say at here but throw,forgot,missing at here,don keep,bring la.....
hope everything will as best,perfect as we can la...
whatever ending is how la... so happy to know u...^^
wo~~ merdeka!!!merdeka!!!haha... happy independence day!!! malaysia alr 52years old alr... hehe.. ytd night same as usual we came out like a smallest gathering... we go to see movie at 1145pm, bukit raja... that movie name is kung fu cyborg (机器侠)the movie something like transformer...robot la..... actually i not so like a movie like tat saying with the robot la.. change that change this... aisey!! but got a part so touching hehe...
hehe... i find in at baidu search... finally i get it...
after we see movie, we all just back home, din go anywhere more... i reach home at 210am++ hehe... happy together ma!!!haha by luck my mum din scold o..... just ask me where i go oly....
happy and enjoy!!! hehe
today back to skul gotong-royong,MTE room... b4 gotong-royong we hav a small meeting(about MPPTE) but i late to attend the meeting.. hehe so paiseh to everyone... haha....10am something we start our GOTONG-ROYONG.....paint the wall, wash the floor..... quiet funny... gotong-royong end at 1.15pm.... banjir lor....
see shu wen so enjoy...
wat u saw???
lazy to upload all photo here... other pic i hav upload at facebook... hehe....
holiday holiday~~~ everyday sleep and sleep o.... sleep until so sleepy... last time is not time to sleep; now feel every time also thinking of sleep and sleep.. die die lor... how to preparing my test coming when skul opening leh.... hehe.. STUDY AND STUDY!!!!!!
ytd giving the old pc to my fren.... my store room look like "rubbish dump" o... full of old newspaper and many many bla bla thing o... hav to cleaning it in this few week... don look it like rubbish ar... all is money ar... haha...
bye bye my old pc.... hehe.... i think got 4-5months old newspaper, recycle bottle, and many thing can recycle 1... and some thing oly "tumpang" put at there oly hehe....
ytd (24/08/09), my club tennis hav a MP for senior at neway, centro mall klang... 14 senior and 13 junior.. KTV and hav a buffet dinner... total we spend at there is RM700++ wah... by luck senior left around Rm480 for us, so we only add more Rm300++ hehe... the money we left hav to do t-shirt... i think not enough also.. hav to collect money...
in this MP a bit boring... bcoz most junior cant "high" also... mayb senior and junior not so close also..other than that, so many of them back home early... actually we can sing until 12.00am.. we all back 11pm.. someone back more early than us...ok lor.. anyway happy enough... hehe....
after MP, hav to do activity alr...each club hav to do 12 activity in 1 year... so we hav to planing wat activity we hav to run... hehe... all the best and good luck....
tonight nothing to do, so that changing something at blog and add something...
aiya, chatting box too big alr... the box alr out of my sides line... and about me got a bit small.... haha... i cant say too many... hehe... bcoz this blog background is someone help me do 1... the person is MAGGIE YONG... haha... i still hiam dang hiam sai leh.. later all my background will 'fly away', so that i cant say too much... hehe... paiseh har...
nvm lor... like that oly can show my blog more special... the chatting box everyone can see it, bcoz out of the line... hehe... and a beautiful background ma... i so like with this background...
thanks you fren, really help me so much...^^ haha....
to be continue add my music player hehe.....
remember it....^^
ytd 1st meeting with penolong kanan ko-kurikulum and teacher ... all pregerusi and S/U has to attend this meeting at library ,bilik meeting teacher teaching us how to do at the whole activity, wat activity, laporan tahunan, account, how to get marks, and bla bla thing la... most also is teaching S/u how to do correct in the laporan tahunan...after that teacher also tell us, DON KEEP MORE THAN RM100 IN YOUR ACCOUNT....haha.. pandai pandai do with ur account la...haha....
ho~~ HO~~
next week start holiday from 24th august to 31st august... relax and rest more.. but still hav to study my test when skul opening... BM, PA1, Ekonomi... aiyo~~other subject alr test in this week, hehe.. ALL THE BEST and GOOD LUCK to all my fren who taking exam, whatever in skul or college..
tomorrow we hav a small gathering also.. but the respond not so good.. most also cant, some work la.. no transport, or something hav to do.. aisey... actually we plan morning go bukit cahaya, afternoon lunch with teacher, night go KTV or see movie.. mayb the plan will change a bit.. haix... don know... like that how to do a gathering more... really no comment la... u all like it ba...keep quiet la... i also tired alr... really feel so "sleeply"..... other than that, we also wan celebrate yee's birthday ok lor.. hehe.. mayb oly birthday and CNY we can meet it gua... but hopefully don la... if really approve i also cant do anything.. hehe... i oly can say is "our friendship is still there, nothing changing..."
hope tomorrow everything will going as well... nothing happening... ALL THE BEST... HAPPY and ENJOY^^ and good luck....
fuyoh.... exam coming again.... every month also exam... aiyoyo.... all the best and good luck...~~
next week start holiday, can rest kao kao liao la... haha... anyway hav to study at home haha..... can relax more... haha...
Mp club tennis at next monday go neway... haha... every AJK hav to pay Rm20... junior hav to pay for senior... next year we no need to pay let junior pay... haha... ah bo, the club must do activity to learn MONEY $$$$....
wah... after AGM each of club doing their own activity.....
my club computer also are the same but our 1st activity is Majlis perpisahan for senior 08/09 , hehe this majlis at last week 1st of august 2009 at Osaka BBK... senior bil Rm 400++ (club hav money to pay it), junior bil Rm300++ , we have to pay by ownself... :( haha...
after that activity hari koko ,04/08/2009(tuesday).. my club computer sell yo yo ice and playing PS game.. haha... PS game learn more money, yoyo ice don hav learn money.. totally our profit is RM100++.. haha.... finally our club earn a 1st Rm100 hehe....
other than that, club tennis also earn RM100++, hehe.. also is a good news for us... but after hari koko, we wann to do majlis perpisahan for senior.. aiyo... headache o.. don know wan go where.. hehe.....
meanwhile,Majlis tingkatan enam(MTE) alr AGM in this week wednesday(05/08/09).. haha.. i get Ketua AJK Tugasan Khas... wah... something new for me again, bcoz i don have experience with this post.. but everything hav to learn leh... hehe...some of my fren ,his/her name not at the board.. or that post i hopefully that ppl will be, but in the end everything are different.... wat should i do.... no choice lor... mayb the ppl will be more potential to be the post... hehe so that i hav learn accept and change my mind to them and commitment it ++ cooperate with them.... hehe... i cant change other ppl but i can change my mind to look them... why i wan unhappy with the board... times will show it everything...."The sun will still will still be yourself....don get influenced by others.." hehe ok la... have to learn la.... yeah!!!! haha... hmmm, something to learn , so i must learn and do as good as i can....(new board list i will update later...)
after AGM... activity will start ... 1st task is Majlis perpisahan... wah... something special with this club MP...all activity mayb will different also and tomorrow 1st meeting with them... haha.....
almost this few weeks hav to stay back at skul, activity, co-curriculum, comment book(get signature from senior) or AGM club...
In form 6 , co-curriculum must active it.. so i have join club computer , MTE ,and club tennis.. club computer and club tennis alr hav AGM last week or last 2 week, both of the club i hav get top 6 inside... top 6 nice to hear, but u must responsible in ur post... it will quiet busy... haha... compare with last time when i secondary skul,in co-curriculum i don hav join more than 2 club, if i join, only 1 club activity i will go only, but form6 are different , both club u must active, bcoz of the KOKO marks...
busy!!!!!other than that, lesson are more important co-curriculum.. study and study... arrangment of the time in 1 day must preparing as well... for now,mayb it was new for me, so that everyday i will feel so sleeply and tired after sleeping time mayb hav to cut out to study... lolx..
haha.... lazy to update my blog... a half year did not touch my blog... haha... anyway..
i hav start study at STK when 15/06/2009 another sotry come again in my life, form6 life..... 1st day study , 1st day orientation... haha... wear a spider costum...performance, singing school song,ice breaking, get singature from senoir++(find my foaster)... 1st week study already orientation week for me... b4 that i still remember some of my fren still laughing me, bcoz i hav to wear spider costum...anyway 1 week so fast to and enjoy..
after OW, our school having a camp for all lower 6 student... something like OW... just different is this camp at out of school (bukit cahaya, shah alam), 2days 1night..also so fun like OW,have jungle tracking, ice breaking, night walk... and i feel so sleeply bcoz 4am only can sleep a while... 6am must wake up gather at dewan...tired but so fun
Study lor.... start frm july'09.. almost everyday stay back... activity la.... back home around 4-5pm.... tired... when i secondary school, i so lazy to stay back.. but form6 are different than secondary school... u must join activity,sporting, ++ (study hardX10) and so many thing with secondary life...(i most like my secondary life, anyway everything only can dream)New school, new fren, new life, everyone must learn it, face it.....and
i believe "times can show it everything after that" study hard!!!!!
yesterday we were going to KL for shopping only..they are maggie, hwan, shean , su wen and me..we all 5 ppl went to KL for shopping only.. actually organizer say at house damn sien, so that shean has planing go to KL, in the end the organizer cannot go because she become AEROPLANE KING.. she is SZE YEE lor.. because she wan follow her mother go to pai pai at banting..
We take a bus go to KL pasar seni and change to LRT go KL sentral.. At KL sentral, we change to KL monorail go IMBI, Time square.. den we all have a lunch at time square.. after that we shopping around the time square for finding a ATM mesin lor... take a money already den we all walk to sungei wang.. shopping again at there.. shean wan to buy a pendrive.. then someone buy a thing is baby milk powder.. she buy no to put baby milk powder, because she wanted to put her pills lor.. hiaxx.. got a bit MALU when i have help to pay it.. haha...after we all go to macdonald eat fun fried and drink at there.. at there , i have do a half of hour MODEL.. because maggie wan to edit.. she say she so free at house and the light at there more sharp.. okok.. haha.. 6.15pm we all sit monorail go maharaja lela.. but the more funny thing is we all sit a wrong monorail, actually we all must wait platform B , but we wait at plarform A.. then we all go in to monorail only know as we sit a wrong monorail.. at next station , we come out from monorail and change back to correct patform and sit a correct monorail... after that, we walk to pasar seni for take a bus back to klang lor... Back to klang, we all direct go maggie house waiting soon hui and andrew come and go to yam cha... hehe yam cha again haha.. but will more fun and happy compare with last time la.. mayb nothing happen already lor... hehe wahatever la.. happy and come out for fun ma...
next week 12/03/2009, SPM result will coming out, that' s mean i have get my SPM result already 1 year and in the this year so many thing already happen, can say is a wonderful year.. my friends leh.. work de already work 1 year , study de also already study 1 year liao... haix..but i only start from this year....
- SPM result come out, my result BM not credit..
- i have National Service(NS) at 19 mac 2008
- i went to PPD klang taken retake BM paper form and the exam at jun '08
- i have do remarks my BM paper and i also do tangguh for my national service.
- I hav follow my friend(hwan) went to rahman college, but the people told me my result cant sign in to college , because of my BM result.
- I also got went to PPD klang, the conclusion also is the same, my BM not credit,must retake BM paper..
- Send the letter retake form and letter Penagguhan Khidmat Negara...
-At the same month, my fren something happen..we all in out hospital so many times.
-Most of every week , we have yam cha at mamak.
-Start study my ownself.
-I have borrow delta notes from suh nih.
-Every thing must start study from form 4 to form 5 (karangan, tatabahasa, pemahaman,novel)
-In the end, my fren already come out from hospital.
-Also is the same we have yam cha.. but a little bit problem, whatever we still come out..
-College already start.
-who can sign in to form 6 list already come out.
-Go to PPD klang, i have ask 1 more times to them, i can sign in to form 6 or not, they all say your result not credit, so far u must retake your BM paper and the result must get credit.
-Every day at house , study, difficult to study my ownself, no teacher teach everything learn byself and sometimes ask my sister, brother or my friends.
-Someone ask me later your result cant get credit, how you do?wah i also don know how to answer; Someone tell if your BM get A , i spend you eat;and most of my fren also support me .
-A bit bad news from my fren..finally my fren also has nothing happen.
-Form 6 also start study. My brother and I went to STK and ACS asked the teacher can sign in to form 6 at their school or not. In the end, also my BM problem.
-Evey week friday and saturday we hav yam cha again, because all college friends come back to klg.
-I have get a letter kelulusan Jun paper.
-I have send 1 more times letter to NS and ask principal to sign for disahkan.
-I have went to test my driving license..finally i get pass in the 1st times test.
-Exam BM paper at 24/06/2008.Finally i hav went to STK for my exam.
-yam cha again at every week.Problem also more than before.
-At house relax.
-finally go to work at computer shop.
-My fren,thian chin and soon hui work as same job with me.
-A bit problem with my boss they all..and my fren too.
-i have find more friends(TOMEI,ABang, Uncle)
-I have tell my fren what problem i face at my working place; ah moi,maggie and someone.
-My brother graduate at penang.
-Shean birthday, she has a party at her house.
-Salary problem.
-Friend problem.
-My fren ask me to stopped my job but someone teach me how to face and tell me you only work with your boss and get salary from my boss.
-Finally i continue work.
-We all fight at mamak.
-My birthday, some of my fren celebrate with me.Maggie, racheal,ice, hwan, we all go to KL shopping;In the night time, jian haou, jian ren and andrew come subang join us and we all went to Subang eat buffet steamboat.
-Someone also little come out for yam cha, but in the end also nothing happen continue come out.
-Salary problem again. not more EPF, SCOSO.
-Friends problem still have, working la, come out la, yam cha de la.
-My friends last time ask me resign my job, but other of my fren ask me won,work and learn how to face.
-more 'CCTV' eye around our working place.. haix.. whatever la.. they also wan to see what we do.
-My jun paper result come out, i have get credit,4B
-celebrate maggie birthday..
-yam cha a bit.
-Some thing happen not good for us when we still do at same work, same boss.
-Finally we all resign our job at end of this month.
-Almost my fren also support me to resgin.
-Hwan birthday, we all eat steamoat again.
-1 week at house, after work at JJ Back to SChool(pallas)
-many problem approve also when many fren work at same place, but this time i work at pallas.
-yam cha a bit lor , because many of us also work and study.
mayb until december'2008 1st. haix...last year really many happen on me.. anyway i also hav face it, now only my studying... really wan to thanks all my fren have support me , help me.. you all really is my fren.. thank you and won forgot de is my family la..they all fully support me..thank you and i love you all..
hehe last year today (05/03/2008) , when we all reach at genting, the day was raining...and today (05/03/2009)morning also raining.. so miss last year travel with my fren, haha... it can be think and dream only.. hehe.. mayb next time we hav another tavel again that la... mayb la... we wait and see lor...
haha... this is 1st time i using blogger to write my blog.. every thing sure have the 1st time de... hehe...

at the 3rd day noon we all already back to klang town.. everyone also back home early because in the 2 days,night cannot sleep also den everyone look like to tired and back home sleep...
this year don know still have a travel like this or not...hehe... don know how la.. mayb not more a travel like this anymore or after a few year we only can hav a travel like this la..hehe....