A Part of My Life ~

"Nothing is impossible, that's depends how to solve it " Just be yourself, don get influenced by others easily



haha... finally today last test is over.. but test over final exam coming on october... aiya... also hav to study ,revision... exam....~~!!!
hmm... today can be a happy bcoz not more test on this few days... but when i taking BM test the happy mood din appears... by luck la, i still got answer all the question... masih boleh "tahan" lagi la...hope can get higher marks...
bad mood??? don know... bcoz hear something i should not to know.. or i hav to change my mind to look this after i hear la... or i think too much???everything i hear just between someone talking... mayb they all are saying another thing??? but i din ask them wat they saying... whatever la.. i din hear and ask clearly....hope everything won become wat i think it... the way best way to me, i think i hav to forget wat i hear, everything i still don know... be myself....wat can i do??? don think too much ba... mayb it will more happy when i forgot it.. let the time to prove it everything.....


That's me ~

My photo
Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
A meaningful life I have today , I love my life although something that I wish to have but I did not get it, that's easy because nothing is perfect, it's just a different view from each other , learn to accept, learning is one part of my life, sharing which is what you exchange your knowledge to each other, caring will be getting a better day , loving with who you feel worth to do that ~ Because learning is sharing, sharing is caring, caring is loving !
