A Part of My Life ~

"Nothing is impossible, that's depends how to solve it " Just be yourself, don get influenced by others easily



haha, is a funny word for us(class 6B8 classmates) and our form teacher(PN Rohana).....
hear from my fren say, that day when they all going back to class, in the group, someone is saying walao eh, walao eh so many times, and that time PN Rohana is behind they all, so when on the way, PN rohona says back: walao eh, walao eh, walao eh, apa itu walao eh!!!!
today teacher asked us, apa tu walao eh!!! haha... at that situation is so funny la... don know how to describe it... hehe... anyway teacher also laughing with this words, WALAO eh...haha

now really is walao eh ~!!!! i also don know how to say it liao.... why always do like that ???? mayb in sometime u really hav to use and u din bring so many so borrow from me , nvm, as a fren i won care so much.. in the end u cheat me leh.... i also don know how to ask back from u....WAlaO eh~~!!! got 1st time sure got 2nd times... aiya... izzit that is your attitude from child until today? it is really a not good attitude for each person... in another way, u really is a fren to made, but with this attitude someone will scare for u alr... that's mine thing , i hav chance to do wat , that's my problem, my business.... u know today will using why still din bring? forgot? emergency? mayb u hav to do on today, so i help u.... but HELP ME TO HELP YOURSELF... haix , now is a small case, if keeping with it, it will be big case....no need to do wat thing for me, u threat me as your fren, don cheat, don cucuk belakang, is ok alr....Walao eh, someone has try to saying with you, but that ppl saying to u , getting a boom back... walao eh!!!!anyway i really hope u will change la... izzit this is last time???


That's me ~

My photo
Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
A meaningful life I have today , I love my life although something that I wish to have but I did not get it, that's easy because nothing is perfect, it's just a different view from each other , learn to accept, learning is one part of my life, sharing which is what you exchange your knowledge to each other, caring will be getting a better day , loving with who you feel worth to do that ~ Because learning is sharing, sharing is caring, caring is loving !
